Mississauga, ON info[at]maiaandassociates.ca 1-855-282-MAIA (6242) 9:00 - 18:00 PM


The best type of insurance depends on your situation.

If someone is financially dependent upon you, then you should ensure that you have adequate life insurance to take care of their needs in the event that you are not able to. Even if you do not have any dependents now, it is possible that you may have children or other dependents in the future. It may be advisable to consider obtaining a life insurance policy now, in the event you become uninsurable later. The best time to purchase a life insurance policy is when you are young and healthy. For those without dependents who are doing well financially, life insurance can also provide certain tax advantages and the accumulated cash values in the policy may be accessed in a tax advantaged way to help supplement your retirement income.

Talk to one of our associates and find out what type of insurance best fits your needs.